Have you come up with your word of the year yet?
Coming up with a word of the year is an overarching focus for your entire year. What do you want to bring into your life? What could you have more of in your life? That is what you want to choose as your word of the year.
I’ve decided and mine is LIBERATION!
Every year for the past 6 years I’ve chosen a word of the year for me to focus on. Sometimes I deliberately focus on the outcome I want and sometimes I just let the universe bring it to me.
I’ve learned recently that big things don’t always happen unless we put energy and motion behind them to make them happen. Or, in short, the universe doesn’t always bring things to us as much as we would like for it to.
Which is why this year, I plan to put more focus and effort into LIBERATION.
I chose the word LIBERATION because I’ve been working in two careers in marketing and as a spiritual entrepreneur for the past 11+ years. I have worked with dozens of clients in both fields and now I am ready to combine these two fields into one under my own business. This means getting very specific about who I work with and how.
This also means not just leaving it to the universe for customers to show up out of the blue as I have been.
The first step I took was to write about what my ideal customer looks like, where I could find them, and what problems they encounter in their life that I could help with. Doing this helps me focus on one or two people who I already enjoy working with.
Who do you enjoy working with?
If you’re not sure, try writing down what your ideal customer is like.
Then ask:
- What are their struggles?
- What can I help them with?
- Ideally, what is the best way I could serve them?
Then, select your word of the year to reflect on how you want to help your customers (and yourself) this year.
Be sure to turn on pictures to see the word list below.